What Is Silica and Why Is it Important for Health?

Silica is mentioned so often as an essential dietary supplement, but have you ever wondered exactly what it is and why it’s so important for your health? Silica, also known as silicon dioxide or SiO2, is an abundant natural element found in rocks, soil, and sand. It is a major component of the Earth’s crust and can be found in almost all forms of animal and plant life. Silica has been used by humans since prehistoric times to make bricks, pottery, glass, and abrasives.

More recently, silica has become popular as a dietary supplement. It plays an important role in the production of collagen and elastin—two proteins that are key for skin elasticity. Furthermore, silica helps strengthen bones, nails, and hair while promoting cardiovascular and bone health. Here we provide an overview of what kisel is and how it may benefit your health.

How Does Silica Help with Your Overall Health?

Silica, or silicon dioxide, is an essential mineral found in almost all types of soil. It’s important for a variety of things, including the health of our bones and joints. If you’re wondering about how silica affects your body and what it does to make you healthy, read on for more information. Here’s a list of how silica helps with your overall health.

Strengthens Bones and Joints

Silica is one of the most important minerals that help strengthen bones and joints. It works by providing an extra layer of protection around them, making them stronger and less prone to breakage or injury. Silica also helps absorb calcium so it can be absorbed into bones.

Improves Hair

Silica plays an important role in helping improve hair health by providing extra nourishment to strands follicles which results in strengthened hair follicles as well as a decrease in breakage due to harsh chemicals or styling methods. In addition, this mineral also moisturizes the scalp, which helps maintain healthy hair growth over time.

Aids Digestive System

Silica helps our intestines absorb more nutrients from food sources into the body more efficiently, as well as fighting off infections like bacteria or harmful yeasts that can lead to digestive complications such as an overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract, often referred to the leaky gut syndrome. This will allow you to better absorb nutrients from food sources and gets them where they need to go quickly and efficiently without getting into other organs, causing inflammation or irritation.

Supports Nervous System and Brain Health

The nervous system needs silica because it promotes proper electrical signals throughout nerves, which play a part in memory retention, learning ability, concentration level, and cognitive functions – all essential when it comes to everyday activities! It regulates hormones released during stress levels so that certain areas can stay balanced when needed most times, especially so mental fatigue isn’t experienced too often, and sleeping habits haven’t been disrupted, either way, thereby preventing feeling run down & low energy too much longer!

Enhances Immune System Functionality

Silica enhances immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells, thus helping fight off allergens such as bacteria/viruses/fungi/parasites before becoming harmful infections.